Association Preserve Cape Cod — Cape Cod is a fragile land of unique habitats and sensitive natural resources, and APCC is the region's leading nonprofit environmental organization. They work for the adoption of laws, policies and programs that protect and enhance Cape Cod's natural resources and quality of life.

Sheep Mountain Alliance — Sheep Mountain Alliance is a 27-year-old grassroots citizen organization dedicated to preserving the natural environment in the Telluride region and southwest Colorado. They strive to protect and educate people about the regional ecosystems, wildlife habitats and watersheds.

Mojave Desert Land Trust — The California Desert is a vital ecosystem of interconnected, permanently protected scenic and natural areas that host a diversity of native plants and wildlife. Through land conservation and organization, Mojave Desert Land Trust protects this ecosystem and its scenic and cultural resource values.

Montana Wilderness Association — For more than 50 years, Montana Wilderness Association has been working with communities across the state to protect Montana’s wilderness heritage, quiet beauty, and outdoor traditions, now and for future generations.

Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness — The Friend of the Boundary Waters Wilderness has emerged as a leading voice for the ongoing protection, preservation and restoration of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) in Northern Minnesota. In recent years, the Friends’ core work has focused on defending the BWCAW against activities that erode its wilderness character and working to ensure that the BWCAW, Superior National Forest and Quetico-Superior ecosystem are managed according to sound ecological principles.