Grooming Guide with Abbott's Jose Alvarez

"Dress for the life you want," also means, "Groom for the week you want to have." Taking care of one's skin, hair, and hygiene can give you the look and feel to boost morale for the day's antics and adventures. 

A weekly grooming routine is the "me" time that gets you to your "Sunday Best" any day of the week. Plus, your mom would be proud.

We're eager to keep readers polished in the best of ways, whether it's off on an escape or winging in the city.  Abbott's Jose Alvarez is all over it and praises the grooming process as the way to get off on the right foot. Read on to learn more about Jose's grooming routine and a list of his favorite products.

Morning Routine

"I'm pretty routine in my grooming. I've tried a lot of products and I've figured out which make the process more enjoyable and provide the benefits I'm looking for."

Post Workout Routine

"After 35, you should really look into eye cream especially if you are starting your own business!"


Other products in Jose's bathroom:

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